Hard to believe that it's been one year - here's the proof in pictures. This little guy has brought untold joy and happiness into our lives and we hope has brought some small measure of the same to all he has met - family, friends and strangers.
We know that we are barely into this journey and we know that there is so much more ahead - both work and play.
Desmond's presence in our lives has caused us to put more effort into making every aspect of our lives better. He's made us better people by increasing our patience, by allowing us to teach and learn, by testing our will, but most of all by simply looking and smiling at us. There is nothing a smile from this boy cannot cure.
And he has strengthened the already strong bond of love and respect that we have for one-another.
Man this kid can do anything....well he hasn't completely learned to walk, but hopefully that will soon follow.
He has his mothers smile and his daddies’ intense gaze, but he is totally himself.
We are looking forward to our pending visits to Los Angeles to see Grandpa Jack and Aunt Jennifer and Texas to finally meet his aunts, uncle and cousins there.
And we are excited for Thanksgiving with the Spanier clan here.
Most of all we are exceedingly happy to have what we feel is the physical embodiment of our love, in the form of our little guy.
Happy Birthday Desmond, Dez, Dezzy, Scooter 2, Pooper Doo, etc. etc.
Mama and Pops
Thanks T & H, good stuff.
Posted by: Markjen1973 | 11/04/2010 at 03:19 PM